Comments (27)

  • I am 80 and ready–I have new sites in Blogster and WordPress. I hope Xanga continues. It is a great place for me—I can be private and control who can read my blog.

    I sure hope you are doing OK, Amy.


  • I am in that same boat (The Titanic)

  • Yeah, I hear you, though I’m a bit more ready now. I’ve moved my smallest blog to WP in anticipation of Xanga shutting down, so I know it’s do-able — that was kind of a test run for my other blogs – but it certainly won’t be the same as here (there are pluses and minuses to that!). (((hugs)))

  • I’m hoping for a last minute miracle! :/

  • 1. Where is the link to Xanga staff explaining Xanga may end?

    2. Is this just a rumor or is there a documented basis?

    3. I’ve been using both Blogger and WordPress as well for a long time. My advice: Go with WordPress.

    4. WordPress is much more difficult than Xanga to set up and use. If you would like me to set up a blog or website for you, let me know.

    Here is a sample WordPress blog / website of mine

    Here is a Blogger blog I set up with the same imagery as my Xanga blog:

  • Right.  Me too.

  • gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who could ever be readddddddddddddddy *screams*

  • I know how you feel. I have been at xanga for 8 years. I have created a new account over at wordpress and I am no w here as near as happy as I was with Xanga. Its sad to see this fate. I know how you feel

  • Get THEE to your Twitter &/OR faacebook account and MAKE Xanga RELEVANT again…i came HERE before i KNEW what a MySpace was!

  • I’m not ready either. It’s impossible. No place is Xanga… Where you part of the Kween of Queens? peace always 

  • I’m not ready for it to end either….but I do have a Word Press account, just in case it does. 

  • I am not ready for xanga to end :( There will be nothing like xanga!

  • I’m not. At all. I will miss it SO much. :( It will never be the same!

  • I’m not ready either! So I contributed some more!If they make it – I have to find a mess of people to give paid xanga accounts too!

  • I recalled that it was coming to an end on june 20th… (or was it july 20th?) either way it extended it’s supposed stay. I think it will remain.

  • When God closes a door, He opens a window. Perhaps that window is a fresh start on a new blog?

  • WordPress will be the death of me, I’m going to hate it I just know it. If xanga shuts down I will be depressed for a week or more and why do they want to shut it down? Is it not profitable? Not a big enough active subscription base? Or do they feel its worn out its time in popularity and its high time to shut it down? They will regret doing this! I feel for you about losing xanga, I will forever blame the people whom saw an excuse to do so!

  • It ended may 31 2013 you should of been ready a while ago. Remember the scripture says something about knocking

  • It ended may 31 2013 you should of been ready a while ago. Remember the scripture says something about knocking

  • It ended may 31 2013 you should of been ready a while ago. Remember the scripture says something about knocking

  • @CuddlyKat - That’s what’s needed.  A last-minute miracle.  I am so not ready!

  • Being a Buffalo Bills fan I am accustomed to disappointment. In fact I have come to expect it. Still one can’t help but to keep hoping for a comeback in the final minutes!

  • I’m praying for a Hail Mary throw,too.

    I think we’re all moving to Xanga 2.0 though when this one closes.

    are you with us?

    Edlives is my go to guy

  • Well I’m actually a little disappointed. I figured getting close to the last day there would be some wild partying, maybe a little TP throwing down the halls or graffiti on the school lockers or what have you.

    Everyone is too serious and civilized these days !

  • testing the waters with the ‘new’ xanga; ardent hopes for your happiness

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