“Question: Why do we have to put up with so much crap?
We believe in someone who is offensive to our world. The cross is gory and awful, and innocent blood was shed on it. Paul said that preaching itself is foolishness to those who don’t believe. I am depressed about the world but secure in the cross.”
Month: March 2013
My mom is awesome
Christians and Intolerance
Feel free to subscribe to my channel on YouTube channel if you feel so inclined. -
Macaroni and Cheese wallet
You know everyone needs one of these. You can always buy mine, cheap!
I’m selling it on Etsy. Right here. -
Haikus for Holy Week
I just had this crazy 2 in the morning idea…
maybe because I took some pain meds?I should write every response/comment in a haiku all week. Causes thinking and pausing for reflection.I’ll probably change my mind in the morning. -
Come vote! Video blog channel topics
I have a few video blog ideas I’ve been kicking around. Most of them are serious. I don’t want to be ALWAYS serious, but I do have a lot of serious things to discuss. I sort of have them in categories in my head based on what I expect reaction to be. Here are some:
Most controversial, likely to spawn hate:- Anything to do with sidewalk counseling- Planned Parenthood beginnings (you know…their founder wanted to exterminate the black race)- Birth control pills and Christians (yikes! THAT’S gonna step on some toes!)- Worship as entertainment, video and rock band churches- Talking about Confederate history- Talking about the TSA and police state and knowing our rights as Americans.Medium risk/level of vitriol:- Dating when you are 30 and still chaste (probably will be laughed at more than anything)- Being a conservative Christian in the arts/entertainment world- Christians and yoga- Christians and guns/self defense- Christians and eating/body responsibility (needs to be mentioned, especially in the obese tea-totaling South)Reactions to current events and politics in general. This could be in the first category as well (probably).Christian women and how we dress (If feminists find this, it might be first category as well).Least risk:- Time period dress/hair/makeup- Life events (read: boring).- Mini bios of people I admire- Talking about Texas history.- Me talking about my cat.- Me singing.- Me doing anything, really.So what do you guys think? I want to hear from non-Christians, too. What do you think makes a well-rounded video blog channel? What of these that I’ve listed would you like to see? What else that I didn’t list might be a good idea?Also, tell me how your day is going? Is is grey and cold where you are, too? -
St. Patrick’s Day at church
I got the chance to wear my homemade green skirt, and a friend handed me a green bow
Happy Sunday!
My mood is so off today. Wow!
I’m gonna write one of those anonymous letter blogs to make myself feel better.To: Different anonymous people:- You are such a cutie. Seriously. You make me smile and also a bit mad. But cutie.- I wish I were better for you.- You two deserve each other.- If only I had known then what I know now, I would have preached the gospel to you. You are liar and a coward, but I still love you. I’m stupid.- Why are you wasting your life?- Life would be a lot simpler (and probably longer) if you’d just put down the fork.- Snappy dresser, inside and out.- Tell me to be more mature. Please.- I so appreciate your prayers. I feel like a rich person because of them.- You are my secret.- Your continued association with those people makes you look like they do.- Kettle and pot.- God bless you, and goodbye.Haha…random enough? Not trying to be immatureI have had not that much to do today and I’m so tired and feel weird and out of it. God have mercy on me.
Craft room letters
I made some letters and put them on the wall above my sewing machine today. I really like the way the colors turned out
You can see the red better in person. It doesn’t blend into the wall quite so much.
International Woman’s Day
International Woman’s Day! Okay, whatever that is. Not sure why we need a day and I’m suspicious that it’s not liberal feminist propaganda. But as long as we’re doing it anyway, here goes:
I’m a female.
Fe = Iron.
Male = Man.
Therefore I am Iron Man.
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