March 14, 2013
My mood is so off today. Wow!
I’m gonna write one of those anonymous letter blogs to make myself feel better.To: Different anonymous people:- You are such a cutie. Seriously. You make me smile and also a bit mad. But cutie.- I wish I were better for you.- You two deserve each other.- If only I had known then what I know now, I would have preached the gospel to you. You are liar and a coward, but I still love you. I’m stupid.- Why are you wasting your life?- Life would be a lot simpler (and probably longer) if you’d just put down the fork.- Snappy dresser, inside and out.- Tell me to be more mature. Please.- I so appreciate your prayers. I feel like a rich person because of them.- You are my secret.- Your continued association with those people makes you look like they do.- Kettle and pot.- God bless you, and goodbye.Haha…random enough? Not trying to be immatureI have had not that much to do today and I’m so tired and feel weird and out of it. God have mercy on me.
Comments (14)
Aww, I hope you feel better soon. That letter was funny, and interesting.
Just rated you A. They got you bad…
@Shadowrunner81 - Thank you!
Geez, I’m beginning to think it’s not my stalker who did this but a team of baddies. Rated you A. Wow. You got hit awful.
I recently wrote an article on how to recover an EX post but – I have no ideas on how to recover from an EX site rating.
I wrote Xangan staff about this – hopefully they’ll get the hint and drop the ratings system as it does more harm than good.
Wishing you the best …
You stole my birthday! 10/25! I guess I should let you share it!
rated u A
Thanks, and rated. ^_^
aww, a cute post. i suppose you will never identify who they are about so i shall claim the first one, lol!
Hope you feel better. I went to your site and rated it an “A”. Anyone rating your site otherwise is being disingenuous.
Just finally caught up and read your message, so I gave you an A! I like your random thoughts. Most of them are things I have contemplated saying to someone or other. Probably never will, though!
rated! you can delete me now
Rated as A….good luck.
What a cathartic exercise this post must have been. I must remember to try this some time. Also, I rated you an A! Have a great weekend!
I agree with Ashley.
God bless your day and make it a good one!